I don't know about you, but I never thought I'd try acupuncture. About 4 years ago I started having pain in my left shoulder. I think from carrying Isaac around. Over the years I've seen a doctor a couple of times for it. In the past, an NSAID, some physical therapy, and plenty of ice would relieve the pain after awhile. Anyway, about 6 months ago the pain started up again, but this time it didn't subside..... no matter what I did. I found that Tylenol and heat were the most helpful, but the pain continued to get worse. The apex of the pain was in the front of my shoulder and continued down to my elbow and then traveled into my hand. I kept increasing the Tylenol (from once a day, to twice a day, then to 3 times a day). It was keeping me awake some nights and even waking me up sometimes. Now mind you, it wasn't a sharp stabbing pain, but a dull aching pain. I don't mean to be complaining, but I just want to give an accurate picture of how I was feeling. Some time ago, I ran across a video that demonstrated acupuncture and it got me thinking about the possibility of having it done. Anyway, long story, short I had a Doctor of Oriental Medicine recommended to me and I finally decided to give it a try. Afterall, I decided it couldn't hurt to try....... of course I was a little worried that it might actually "hurt" to have needles put into me.
Now here's the good news. After 3 treatments my shoulder and entire arm feel great! There was improvement after each treatment. As for the needles......... they don't hurt. The truth is I LOVE to have a treatment. I feel great all over.
In case you're curious, you can see the video at http://video.about.com/altmedicine/See-an-Acupuncture-Treatment.htm (just copy & paste). I still recommend seeing a Western doctor to make sure there isn't something that needs to be corrected, but if you've tried that without result maybe acupuncture is for you.
5 years ago